

abacusutils should work with Python 3.8-3.11 (and possibly earlier versions, too) on all mainstream Linux distributions. MacOS support should be possible, but is presently not working and help would be needed to finish adding Mac support (see this PR).

Pip Installation#

For access to the Python functionality of abacusutils, you can either install via pip or clone from GitHub. The pip installation is recommended if you don’t need to modify the source:

$ pip install abacusutils

This will install most dependencies, with the exception of some “hard to install” dependencies like Corrfunc or classy. (Corrfunc, for example, is considered hard to install because it has non-Python dependencies that need to be available at install time). To install everything, use:

$ pip install abacusutils[all]

All the pip-installed functionality is pure-Python, using numba for any performance-intensive routines. The command-line Unix Pipes: pipe_asdf functionality also becomes available after a pip install.

Developers may wish to use:
  • abacusutils[test]: packages required to run the tests

  • abacusutils[docs]: to build the docs


Previously, a custom fork of ASDF was required. As of abacusutils 1.0.0, this is no longer required, instead using the extension mechanism of ASDF 2.8.

Note that installing abacusutils should allow you to read any Abacus ASDF file, even if you don’t use abacusutils and go directly through the ASDF package. abacusutils installs a setuptools “entry point” that provides decompression hooks to ASDF so it can read our custom compression.

For Developers#

Installing from Cloned Repository#

If you want to hack on the abacusutils source code, we recommend that you clone the repo and install the package in pip “editable mode”:

$ git clone
$ cd abacusutils
$ pip install -e .[all]  # install all deps from current dir in editable mode

The -e flag (“editable”) is optional but recommended so that the installed copy is just a link to the cloned repo (and thus modifications to the Python code will be seen by code that imports abacusutils).

The .[all] syntax says to install from the current directory (.), including the set of “optional dependencies” called all.


If you first install via pip and then later clone the repo, don’t forget to run pip install -e .[all] in the repo. Otherwise, you will have two copies of abacusutils: one cloned, and one installed via pip.


abacusutils uses pre-commit for linting. pre-commit will automatically commit fixes for small code style issues when a PR is opened, or you can install it locally to your repository and have it apply the fixes locally:

$ pip install pre-commit
$ cd abacusutils
$ pre-commit install

The pre-commit checks will run for each commit and modify files to fix any linting issues.


The testing uses pytest. This runs as a check in GitHub Actions, so it’s a good idea to run the tests locally before you push. Install the test dependencies with:

$ pip install abacusutils[test]

And run the tests with

$ pytest

New tests should be added in the tests/ directory, following the example of the tests that are already in there. Test discovery is automatic (see the pytest docs).